Hi BruceF,
Please see the link below which explains when you would need to register for VAT if you breach the £90K threshold.
3. Working out whether you need to register
The guidance states:
If you make taxable supplies in the UK (read paragraph 2.3), you’re liable to register if:
at the end of any month, the value of your taxable supplies in the previous 12 months or less is over the registration threshold
at any time, you expect the value of your taxable supplies in the next 30 day period alone, to go over the registration threshold
In practice this means calculating your turnover over for the last 12 months from the last day of the month.
In order to calculate this figure you would need to use the tax points for the supplies you have made over the preceding 12 months.
Please see the guidance on tax points:
14. Time of supply (tax point) rules
Please note that an invoice raised while you are not VAT registered will not constitute a tax point as only a VAT invoice will do this and you can not raise a VAT invoice as a non VAT registered business.
So essentially the tax points of your supplies will be when your service is provided unless a payment is received before the service is supplied in which case the payment date will constitute the tax point.
Thank you.