The provision of education can be an exempt supply if it is being provided by an eligible body. You can see guidance here:
Eligible body status
If you are a sole trader providing the education then the subject taught would need to be taught regularly in a number of schools or universities. Pleae see the guidance here:
Private tuition
If your supplies are taxable then supplies made to customers in the UK will be standard rated supplies.
When supplying these services to individuals overseas it is important to establish whether the supplies you are making are digital ones. If the supplies are digital in nature then there will be a requirement to either register in each member state where the customers belong or to register for Non-Union VAT MOSS. You can see guidance here:
Defining digital services
VAT rules for supplies of digital services to consumers
If the services provided are not digital in nature then the supplies to individuals in the EC will be outside the scope of VAT. Please see the guidance here:
B2C services of a professional, technical, financial, intellectual or other intangible nature supplied to customers outside the UK
Thank you.