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  • Statutory residence - sufficient ties - accommodation tie

    Hello, Seeking clarification of this criterion. A non-resident has parents in the UK with their own house and a sister with a different house. The non-resident spends 15 nights visiting at each house. Would this total of 30 nights in two different places count as an accommodation tie? Many thanks.
  • RE: SRT Split year treatment case 4

    Not a helpful answer - of course, the legislation can change. I'm interested in the circumstances I set out, and let's assume the legislation doesn't change. If it does change, I may or may not change my plans. How many days can I be in the UK in tax year 24/25 and claim Case 4 treatment, if I return in October, or November, or December 2024? Alternatively, let's assume it's all happening now. So, I have been non-resident the last four tax years. I intend to return to the UK between now and the end of the calendar year. I have already worked more than 40 days in the UK since the start of the tax year, but that is my only sufficient tie this year. If I return before the end of November, what is the maximum number of days I can have been in the UK this tax year, in order to validly claim Case 4 Split Year Treatment on return? And what is the number if I return in December instead? If you don't understand the question or know the answer, I'd be much obliged if you would refer it somebody who does. Original question - I am considering a return to the UK towards the end of 2024 when I would hope to claim Case 4 treatment. I will have only one sufficient tie, the work tie, for the overseas part of tax year 24/25. Tax year 23/24 will be my fourth consecutive non-resident tax year. I want to check on the maximum number of days I can be present in the UK at midnight in the overseas part of the year 24/25?
  • SRT Split year treatment case 4

    I am considering a return to the UK towards the end of 2024 when I would hope to claim Case 4 treatment. I will have only one sufficient tie, the work tie, for the overseas part of tax year 24/25. Tax year 23/24 will be my fourth consecutive non-resident tax year. I want to check on the maximum number of days I can be present in the UK at midnight in the overseas part of the year 24/25?