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  • RE: Salary received after arrival of UK

    Hello, I relocated to the UK on 15 July 2023. I had a job before coming to the UK, and my last working day was 12 July 2023. However, the salary (which was already taxed in Hong Kong) was paid on 28 July 2023 and 7 November 2023 after my arrival in the UK. I have applied for Split Year Treatment in my self-assessment. Based on my understanding, income from employment carried out in Hong Kong is not taxable in the UK, regardless of when it was paid. Therefore, I do not need to report it in my self-assessment. Could you please confirm this? Thank you.
  • RE: Accidental ISA Exceed - next steps?

    Hi, I deposited £19,700 and £300 into my ISA accounts at Bank A and Bank B, respectively, on 6th April 2024. This sum altogether equals the annual ISA allowance for the 2024/25 tax year. However, my wife mistakenly transferred £10,000 to my ISA account at Bank B at the end of April. I attempted to contact Bank B to inquire about withdrawing the excess funds immediately, as the total in my ISA accounts exceeds the annual ISA allowance. Unfortunately, Bank B refused to accommodate this request. Consequently, I now have £19,700 in my ISA account at Bank A and £10,300 in Bank B. Can I simply declare the interest earned in my ISA account at Bank B as taxable in the self-assessment? Thank you!