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  • RE: declaring and claiming a capital loss to be deducted from capital gains in the same year

    Thank you very much for this advice. Please can you ensure that it is shared with all the officials looking at self assessment forms because my capital gains losses, noted in Box 27, were not deducted from my capital gains in the 2023/24 tax year and it was only when I rang to query this that an HMRC official (who I had to wait on the phone for 45 minutes to speak to) reluctantly agreed to deduct the capital losses from the capital gains. He told me that I should also have put the capital losses in Box 46, which astonished me,because I thought Box 46 was only for trading losses. I will take your advice and simply note capital losses in Box 27 next year and hope that they are deducted from my capital gains without me having to do anything else because I do not want to have to spend another 45 minutes waiting on the phone (and being forced to listen to ghastly music) in order to speak to an HMRC official again next year.
  • RE: declaring and claiming a capital loss to be deducted from capital gains in the same year

    PS My reading of the tax form was that Box 46 is for trading losses eg if I ran a business and made less in turnover than I spent on costs. I do not think of capital losses as a trading loss because my investments were personal not part of a business. Was the person who told me I should put current year capital losses in Box 46 correct or not? I don't think I've ever done that before but in the past, losses I put in Box 27 were deducted by HMRC from my capital gains. Please help. I expect to incur more capital losses in 2024/25 and want to know how I should correctly declare them (box 27) and ensure you deduct them from any gains I may make.
  • declaring and claiming a capital loss to be deducted from capital gains in the same year

    How long does it take for a query to be posted on the Community Forum and answered by HMRC? I sent a query on 19 December 2024 and haven't seen it posted yet or answered. I did get an acknowledgement from HMRC on 19/12 by email saying it would be posted "shortly". I would like to know what I need to do to ensure a capital loss is deducted from my capital gains so that I'm just taxed on my net capital gains within the current year. I did put the amount of capital lost in Box 26 and set out all the sums in "additional information", but should I also have entered the capital lost in Box 40? I didn't want accidentally for the loss to be double counted....
  • declaring and claiming a capital loss to be deducted from capital gains in the same year

    In the 23/24 tax year I sold various shares. Some made gains and some made small losses, which I wished to be deducted from the capital gains on which tax was payable. All the shares were listed. I filled in the relevant boxes declaring number of disposals, total gains (before losses) and then total losses in Box 27. I also provided detailed additional information about all the sales, gains and losses on a separate sheet. I thought that was sufficient for HMRC to deduct the losses in box 27 from the total taxable gains, but was subsequently told that I should also have put the losses in Box 46 if I wanted HMRC to deduct them from the taxable gains made in the same year. Is that correct? I am retired so have no earnings and my only other income is from a SIPP and dividends. I would like to make sure that any future losses are deducted from any taxable gains but don't want to put the losses from Box 27 in Box 46 if that is for something else.