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  • NI38 Guidance re status before leaving UK

    Form NI38 Guidance on Social Security abroad states that: "You can pay Class 2 National Insurance contributions if you’re employed or self-employed abroad if: Immediately before going abroad, you were ordinarily an employed or self-employed earner in the UK" What is the definition of “work” (in UK before leaving the country). Specifically does it include periods of activity seeking work and claiming job seekers benefit or job seekers allowance (during which time NI contributions are being paid by the state on behalf of the claimant).
  • NI38 Guidance re status before leaving UK

    Form NI38 Guidance on Social Security abroad states that: "You can pay Class 2 National Insurance contributions if you’re employed or self-employed abroad if: Immediately before going abroad, you were ordinarily an employed or self-employed earner in the UK" What is the definition of "work". Specifically, does it include voluntary unpaid work (for a period of 16 months)?