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  • Changing from quarterly to monthly CIS payments

    As a contractor we have always filed monthly CIS returns and paid monthly payments as required via direct debit. Suddenly in this new financial year it appears that we are being asked to pay quarterly? We have never chosen this and prefer to pay monthly, but I am unable to find anywhere to change this back? I have rang the CIS helpline who told me to ring the employer helpline who just give an automated message to check payments in my online account and then disconnect, I am going around in circles. Please can you advise how to change this back to monthly payments? I understand we can still pay manually each month, but prefer to have the direct debit set up so we know it's not forgotten. Many thanks in advance
  • Revenue expenditure

    Apologies if I am asking a question already answered elsewhere, I have tried to find a similar circumstance and viewed the Property Income manual but still a little unclear on my situation. I inherited my father's house and now rent out the property, leading up to the rental I did carry out several refurbishments to make the property more acceptable for renting, this included replacing the kitchen which was tired and not up to standard, but was replaced with basic clean units and necessary pipework to bring to regulation. I also refitted the bathroom, as it was previously fitted for a person with disabilities, the replacement was fitted as standard, again to make more suitable for rental. Can I consider these refurbishments as revenue or must they be regarded as capital, there are other works that have been carried out which I am confident relate to capital, but unsure on these above Many thanks in advance
  • CIS paid to wrong business account by contractor

    I have a sole trader business (that is now inactive with no turnover and ready to close) and a Limited Company which evolved from the sole business. It was realised upon preparing the company accounts that a contractor had deducted and paid the CIS deduction to the sole business and not the Ltd company as should have. (The CIS statements were made out to the ltd co, they had simply stated the incorrect verification number on the statement. I rang the SA helpline and was advised that we should claim the payment back as a refund upon the SA return, stating details as to why this happened. The work done for this contractor had gone into the company accounts and the corp tax paid thereon. I have now received a letter from HMRC saying they have amended the tax calculation for this client, and that the sole business has earned that self employed income from the contractor and therefore is to be taxed on it. I really am unsure who I need to speak to regarding this, it was the SA helpline that instructed me to do it the way we did, and now that appears to be wrong? The only reason the sole account wasn't closed was due to this (I can see the contractor has done the same again in the next year, despite being told of the problem) Do I ring the helpline again, or the CIS helpline? or do I need to write to someone? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I spent every day last week trying to get through on the phone without success. Many thanks in advance
  • New business needs to be VAT registered?

    Apologies if this seems a silly question but I would rather check, I have a self employed business (gym) which is VAT registered, I am also opening another gym as a Limited company (both will be Ltd eventually), Am I correct to think the new business would not need to be registered for VAT until it crosses the threshold? As they will be separate entities I am assuming it is correct to have the ltd company unregistered initially? I am the sole shareholder and director. Thanks in advance