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  • RE: VAT On Services To EU - B2B vs B2C?

    Hi, Thank you for this. However, asking them for their fiscal documents is totally unrealistic, in these identity-theft-aware times. Also, the sale happens automatically, online, rather than via invoice. So there's no point in the process to ask them for evidence of being a business. [Note: it's not a digitally delivered service, so EU Digital VAT doesn't apply. It's just the contracting of the service that happens online, automatically] When will the guidelines be updated to reflect the way the world has run for the past decade, rather than assuming that all B2B transactions require emails and invoices? What do we do until then, please? Thank you, Clare
  • VAT On Services To EU - B2B vs B2C?

    Hi, I'm selling a coaching certification programme (non-digitally delivered service) and a potential client is based in the EU. The course is for experienced coaches, to improve their skills and grow their business. So I would consider it B2B. It's not for personal use. It's about gaining skills for them to find more clients. But this client isn't VAT registered in his home country. He is working as a 'sole trader'. My question: do I have to count this as B2C and charge UK VAT, because he is a sole trader with no VAT number? Or does the fact this is a business-growing course mean it's B2B and I don't charge UK VAT, whether or not he is registered for VAT in his home country? Thank you. 

    Name removed admin .