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  • Foreign income on self-assessment form

    I have recently moved to the UK (since July 2021) and I am now a tax resident here in full-time employment, but non-domiciled. I have been filling in my self-assessment form and on page 2 declare 'Yes' that I have foreign income (property rental income in SE Asia) in excess of GBP1,000. I provide all the details in the box and the form then asks if I remit any of the funds to the UK, to which I declare 'No' as I do not. The form then says that I do not need to fill in the Foreign income tax part of the tax return. I am a bit worried because I read in the official guidance that any foreign income above GBP2,000 has to be declared and filled out in the tax return, but then it is not letting me. This has happened twice now in the 21-22 and 22-23 filings.