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  • Leaver after RTI submitted

    Hi We have a leaver who is leaving after the July FPS/EPS was submitted. They were originally planning to leave at the end of August, but have now brought it forward to the end of July (once we'd actually done everything). The August RTI will then show their leaving date as 31st August. All ok so far. However, he will also be getting some pay in August. My head says I should 0T Month 1 their tax code as they have left - but on the other hand, HMRC do not know they've left until they get this pay and the new RTI is submitted. Should I 0t them or use their current tax code? (For the record, testing it, there isn't much difference in value as they are already on month 1 and a K code. Looking at the online calculator, they may even pay less tax if we 0t it, but I want to be sure it's right. )
  • RE: PAYE submitted on RTI not seen on HMRC system

    We've had something similar a couple of months back. Without going into too much detail, the EPS was recorded correctly by HMRC but the FPS only agreed in certain respects (Others - they reckon they owed us a credit on). Having spoken to the helpline, they've passed to the required team (They mentioned 18 months at the time) but recommended that we keep on paying what we think we owe rather than what shows on the website as when it is corrected, we'd be charged late interest.
  • PSA Submission - Notification of charge and Notice to pay

    Hi, We submitted two PAYE Settlement agreements (England and Wales) on 25th May. We've received the notification of charge and notice to pay for the England one at the end of June, but not for the Welsh one (Which is slightly larger, but still only in the hundreds). Do you know if there is a delay please? (I just want to have thre right payment reference when the time comes) Thanks
  • Temporary Reinstatement of leaver

    Hi, One of our employees has left the company, received the final payments and p45 (and on the FPS, leaving date properly applied). There is now a fair chance that he will be returning to the company for a month or so. Should we treat him as a new employee (and issue a p45 when he does leave) or treat him as an old employee and all payments as an after leaving cost? When he left, he was also on an M1 tax code. - I can use the calculator to get his tax code if he's being treated as a new employee, but assume it's the usual code if it's after leaver