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  • NRE FD tax queries

    Hello, What are the taxation rules for NRE FD if I transfer my GBP funds to my spouse. We both are living in the UK. As I understand, NRE FD while tax free in India is liable for taxation as global income when filing self assessment in UK. As I am a high rate tax payer, is it allowed for me to transfer my GBP earnings to my spouse and she can open NRE FD in their name. As my spouse is a basic rate tax payer, they will be liable to lesser taxation on the NRE interest. Effectively we are looking at this as a tax saving option. My specific queries are: - Is the above allowed? i.e sending GBP funds to spouse and they investing and paying taxes as per their tax rate - Is there any limit on the funds I can transfer to my spouse? - Is there any limit on the NRE FD deposits? Many thanks.