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  • RE: Foreign Pages - Rental income 20% tax relief for finance cost Glitch

    Thank you for the update. Would it be possible to receive another update when the ETA for the fix is known or the issue has been addressed? I am currently waiting for the specialist to amend my SA so this is still ongoing for me. And the update will likely benefit any other users that come to this forum looking for a solution.
  • RE: Foreign Pages - Rental income 20% tax relief for finance cost Glitch

    Just to follow up on the call I had with the HMRC specialist today. The issue is still ongoing, the specialist said she can now see my tax return in the system (with the incorrect tax amount due). Apparently she can add in the financing costs at her end now and I should the SA calculation updated before the end of the week. Whilst this is helpful for me individually, I would have thought that the scalable solution is indeed to get the IT team at HMRC to look into it and deploy a fix. As I noted before, I certainly have been speaking to HMRC on this on multiple occasions. It seems that no support case was created regardless so no-one is investigating it.
  • RE: Foreign Pages - Rental income 20% tax relief for finance cost Glitch

    How is that possible? I have reported it, as mentioned above. I have also called the above number and they eventually passed it on to a specialist. I spoke with her on Tuesday and another appointment is scheduled for next Monday. I have spent 10+ hours of my time on this, of which at least 2+ hours directly with HMRC, and apparently you are still not aware of the issue. As mentioned, this is something that worked correctly in last year's self assessment and is preventing any taxpayer with foreign property finance costs to file an accurate tax return online. I would think the number of affected users is in the thousands. Surely it is easiest for HMRC to fix this in the online form, rather than having to process thousands of additional paper forms? And that fix is presumably a straightforward rollback of whatever buggy update your IT team may have introduced recently.
  • RE: Foreign Pages - Rental income 20% tax relief for finance cost Glitch

    I spoke to an HMRC specialist on this over the phone. She told me to submit the SA without the finance costs at all and she would then try to add the cost back in next week. So I now have a successful SA submission in the system but the calculated tax amount is still wrong. The alternative seemed to be filing the SA in paper form instead. I did note that this is something that will affect at least thousands of taxpayers. I will update here next week how that progresses. As you said, hopefully HMRC can fix this in the meantime.
  • RE: Foreign Pages - Rental income 20% tax relief for finance cost Glitch

    I have the same issue and created a community account just for this. Issue: the online SA does not include the 20% basic rate tax relief for foreign propery finance costs in the tax calculation at all. This was working correctly when I submitted my 2022/23 SA, so it seems that HMRC has somehow managed to introduce this omission in this year's SA cycle. The best part is that this actually prevents me from submitting the SA online altogether! The submission fails HMRC's own, automated checks when I am trying to send the completed Self Assessment (with the tax due still being too high...). Instead of a confirmation of a successful submission, I am instead served the following error message: 6492 Self calculation case. The total tax due in box [CAL1] does not agree with the calculated value of £x,xxx.xx. The difference is £y,yyyy.yy. Please check.