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  • How to capture vested RSU in self-assessment

    I am a UK employee for a US-headquartered financial firm with a tax code of OT since my earnings, as shown on my P60, are above £150k. In the 2022-23 tax year, I got a small amount of RSUs vesting (approx $3.8k) and I was taxed 60% on that RSU vesting amount (approx $2.3k). Can someone please confirm the following: 1) Should I capture the vesting of the RSUs in my self-assessment? 2) If yes, what section should I capture this, and also how do I capture the fact that I have already been taxed 60% 'at source'? 3) Is 60% the correct tax percentage for these vested RSUs? (Since any additional income I have had outside my P60 numbers was charged at 45% and so, my expectation is/was that the vested RSUs would also be taxed at 45% and not 60%) Any help on this will be appreciated.