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  • Statement of tax liability - The Netherlands requested 7 months ago

    Hi - I have been waiting now 7 months for a Statement of Tax liability to be signed. HMRC have received it back in May. Its a single piece of paper that once signed allows the UK to claim tax on a foreign pension. So it's in the UK's interest to sign it. I was promised it in June, then October and now, today, in December. Is there any way possible to get this done any sooner?
  • Statement of tax liability - The Netherlands requested 3 months ago

    Hello, I have been asked by my Dutch pension provider to provide to them a Statement of Tax Liability. I am told that the UK has the right to claim tax on a foreign pension but in order to do this, need to have confirmation that I am a resident UK tax payer. I requested this 3 months ago via my accountant who sent HMRC the relevant paperwork (just one page to sign) I am still yet to receive it back and am understandably being chased by the Dutch authorities. What lead time is realistic to receive such documents back please? Should I resend it to you? Many thanks in advance for your advice.
  • Statement of tax liability - The Netherlands

    Hello, I have been asked by my Dutch pension provider to provide to them a Statement of Tax Liability. I am told that the UK has the right to claim tax on a foreign pension but in order to do this, need to have confirmation that I am a resident UK tax payer. I have a form here (downloaded and on hard copy) and I need to know who to send this to at HMRC so they can fill it out. I need this to be sent back to me, officially signed, so I can forward it to my Dutch pension provider. So please where and to whom do I send this form? Can this be done online? And do you have any idea what the turnaround time is for such things? Mnay thanks