RE: Non-UK resident (but UK (BC) passport holder): Bank interests received subject to tax?
Hi HMRC Admin, could you confirm if British Citizen is entitled to personal allowance? I checked with a tax advisor who told me I am entitled to that and referred me to https://www.gov.uk/tax-uk-income-live-abroad/personal-allowance. Thanks -
Non-UK resident (but UK (BC) passport holder): Bank interests received subject to tax?
Hi, I am a non-UK tax resident with UK passport residing in Hong Kong. Currently, I am receiving rental income from properties in the UK, bank interests from a UK bank account (where I put my rentals) and bank interests from a bank account at Isle of Man (where I put my income from Hong Kong). Apart from the above, there are no other UK-sourced income. I understand that the rentals from UK properties are subject to UK income tax with personal allowance. However, I learn from the Guidance "HS300 Non-residents and investment income (2024)" that bank interests are "disregarded income". Does it mean that i can exclude bank interests from both UK bank account and Isle of Man bank account from my tax return? Thanks.