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  • RE: Tax code for employed and self employed

    Thank you for the reply. As my new role will be my only PAYE job, does this mean that I should choose Option B or Option C on the starter checklist? I had assumed C because I intend to continue my self employment but if “job” means PAYE role then perhaps I should choose B?
  • Tax code for employed and self employed

    Hello I have been self employed for many years but am thinking of accepting an employee role. For this tax year (2024-25) I will obviously have been self employed for at least part of it. I am also thinking of keeping my self employment open, but definitely expect that the significant part of my income will be from my employee role. I expect to be earning enough to hit the additional rate. How do I ensure that my employment is counted as my main job and that tax is appropriately deducted from it?