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  • RE: How to pay Voluntary contributions to fill gaps

    Hi, i contacted the future pension centre to determine the amount I owed, after an hours wait the information was provided & I have 2 queries arising from this which I would be grateful to receive answers to please.Firstly I checked online & for 2015-2016 the online account clearly stated I owed less than £50, the future pension unit advised an amount 16 timers higher was owed.I asked why the large discrepancy & was told the online figures are inputted by HMRC & cant be relied on.Is this correct as HMRC NI say their figure is correct!Which figure I=s correct?? Secondly I had a year 2009-2010 where then figure was not available online & the future pension centre advised they had no information so could not advise me & I had to phone HMRC NI centre(03002003500)Phoned & was advised ONLY the future pension centre can provide figures. I spent in excess of 2 hours phoning the 2 units & feel Im still no further forward.Please can anyone help with accurate advice., fed up with the internal politics between future pensions & HMRC Thanks in advance HHY