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  • Retirement Overseas (Philippines) - how many days allowed in the UK?

    Hi, I am trying to find the right soruce of information relating to how many days I can be in the UK if I retire overseas, without inadvertently becoming a UK tax resident. My wife and I are considering taking early retirement to her home country (Philippines). I found Uk gov statutory residence test guidance and it indicates we can spend up to 91 days in the Uk as long as we are not working more than 31 days (we will be retired) - the problem is that this seems to apply to those that work overseas not those that retire overseas. Any advice much appreciated. Kind regards Ian
  • Ovepaid Tax due to incorrect company benefit - can I claim it back?

    Hi, I found out today that a company benefit for "Accommodation" of £195 has been included on my tax retrun for the past few years, even though I havent received any such benefit since Jan 29th 2019. This relates to a shared equity scheme, where my employer owned co-purchased the house to facilitate relocation. I sold the home on this date and have not received any such benefit since. I have now corrected the error and not sure why I didn't spot it sooner on my self assessment to be honest - entrely my fault. My question is whether I can claim the overpayment back - this should be 4 years and 2 months where I didn't have this benefit but it was included on my tax return. Many thanks Ian