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  • RE: Certificate of Residence

    Thank you again for your very informative reply. I just have one more question, does the Double Taxation: Treaty Relief (Form DT-Individual) form have to sent in every year or just once.
  • RE: Certificate of Residence

    Thank you for your replies but I must admit that I am now very confused. I am living in the UAE and receive a state pension from the UK and also a private pension. I would prefer not to pay UK tax on these pensions and have no other income from the UK or UAE, so what exactly should I do to achieve this. Thank you
  • RE: Certificate of Residence

    Thank you for your reply. Can someone explain how I can make a double taxation relief claim.
  • RE: Certificate of Residence

    Anyone able top help
  • RE: Certificate of Residence

    I am in the UAE and according to the form referred to above "Double Taxation: Treaty Relief (Form DT-Individual)" I have to provide a certificate of residence see Page 13 Box H. So I go back to my original question does the certificate of residence have to be renewed and sent each tax year to HMRC or once the form is submitted will I no longer pay UK tax on pensions unless i return to the UK
  • RE: Certificate of Residence

    Anyone have any idea
  • Certificate of Residence

    If you are British, retired and receive pensions (state and private) from the UK and you live in a country with a dual taxation agreement I understand that you can avoid paying tax in the UK and pay it in the country where you are living. To do this a certificate of residence is required by HMRC. My question is does the certificate of residence have to be renewed each year as the cost to obtain one is quite high.