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  • RE: cgt on house sale in Republic of Ireland

    Another very unhelpful reply. I am not asking for specific advice. I am making a general enquiry about how to submit a CGT return relating to a non UK property sale. The link you give me is very vague and does not give any detailed information. For example where in the real time CGT online docs is there any provision for recording CGT already paid outside the UK. ? The whole point of this forum is to provide answers to questions not dealt with in the generic information and help pages on the HMRC website, The very existence of this forum and the volume of requests on it strongly suggests that your generic information is inadequate. The general tone of your responses now is in marked contrast to your rapid, helpful and comprehensive responses that we used to get a couple of years ago
  • RE: real time CGT submission

    Not a very helpful reply. I am not asking for specific information - the question is - where in the real time online submission is the provision for recording the CGT already paid in a country outside the UK? Shouldn't be a difficult question for an HMRC administrator.
  • real time CGT submission

    I am trying to complete an online real time CGT submission. Where/ how do I report proceeds of a non uk property sale with CGT already paid in the appropriate country with whom we have a reciprocal tax agreement?
  • RE: cgt on house sale in Republic of Ireland

    Thank you, not a very helpful reply, if I was able to fully understand the HMRC guidance I wouldn't need to seek help on this site. I have attempted to do a real time submission but there is no facility on the online form for claiming CGT already paid in Ireland. I have been informed by HMRC that I no longer need to make a regular tax return so my question again - how do I report a CGT to HMRC having already paid CGT on the gain in Ireland with whom HMRC has a reciprocal tax agreement?
  • Real time CGT submission

    I am making an online real time CGT submission relating to a property sale in Ireland. Irish CGT has been paid. How do I submit receipts from the Irish Revenue aspart of my real time submission. I can see no facility on the online forms for adding this.
  • cgt on house sale in Republic of Ireland

    My wife and I have recently sold a holiday home in Ireland held jointly in my and my wife's name. Irish CGT has been paid in full and we have all receipts etc from the Irish Revenue. The remaining money has now been transferred from a euro account to our sterling account in the UK. We are permanent UK residents. I am no longer required to make a tax return but my submits an annual return in the normal way. I assume that my wife and I will need to make a separate return relating to this income. When and how do we inform HMRC of the receipt of this money ?