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  • New Tax Regime

    Dear Sir / Madam, I will be moving to the UK on 3rd April 2024. I am a non-UK domiciled individual and have not been tax resident in the UK before. I will continue to work for my employer based in Hong Kong 3rd April 2024 onwards. If I adopt remittance basis for 2024/25 but opt to remit funds in tax resident year of 2025/26 and/or 2026/27, please advise how the salary tax will be payable for the following example. Tax Residence Year 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 Overseas Salary in GBP 100,000 100,000 100,000 Overseas Expenses -40,000 -45,000 -50,000 Overseas Salary Tax -15,000 -15,000 -15,000 Remittable Amount to UK post 6 April 2025 45,000 40,000 35,000 Salary Tax Payable to HM Treasury ? ? ? Many thanks and look forward to your advice. Kind regards,