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  • Pension from Italy

    I am Italian and moved to England in 2006 where I started to work in the UK until I retired last year. I have UK citizenship and UK fiscal residency as well. I have started receiving a state pension from Italy in September 2023 but they have deducted the income tax already. I have started the procedure to ask them to not deduct the income taxes (I sent the Ep-1 form to HMRC to get a UK fiscal residency certificate so that I can send it to them) but it will take time for this to complete. As I would like to start looking into compiling the UK 2023/24 tax return, I have this question: I know that UK and Italy have a double taxation agreement, but I am not sure if I have to pay the taxes here for my Italian pension first anyway and then claim it back or I can just say when I compile my UK tax return that this particular income is "taxed at source" so I am not due any taxes for that in the UK. Many thanks for any advice.