MM New Zealand
RE: DT-Individual New Zealand form submitted in May 2024 and lost in your system?
NZ IRD have already sent you the form and told us that you would acknowledge it. Why on earth do we need to wait for the payments to start because if our pension provider doesn’t have a tax code they will deduct uk tax and we will be out of pocket! Re the other part of the query - how do we chase things up with HMRC because you are not taking calls and we can’t identity ourselves as we don’t have a uk post code. How do overseas people contact HMRC? Thank you! -
DT-Individual New Zealand form submitted in May 2024 and lost in your system?
Hi there Husband and I are NZ residents and have Uk provider pensions coming up next month. New Zealand tax office have sent us evidence that they stamped and posted our DT-Individual NZ form in May 2024 to HMRC but we have never received an acknowledgement from HMRC. Also there isn’t a place on the form to provide details of our pension provider UNLESS you are claiming repayment of tax (which we’re not because pension hasn’t started yet). Couple of questions: How do we chase it up please? Husband is in UK at the moment visiting his Mum. When we phone HMRC we get the message that calls cannot be taken and phone back later (we’ve tried numerous times) and we can’t make an appointment with the local tax office because we’re not disabled. We also can’t identify ourselves on the phone because we don’t have a UK post code!! How does pension provider get to know when it has been OK’d by you? As there is nowhere on the form to put pension provider details unless you are claiming a refund of tax already deducted (which we’re not as pension hasn’t started yet) Please help - we have spent hours on this and we are just getting nowhere.