RE: Grant of a long lease
Any answer to my question? -
Grant of a long lease
As the lessor, do I need to declare the gain within 60 days or do I report the gain on my tax return for 5th April 2025 -
Please can you confirm as a higher tax payer and a lessor who has done grant of long lease extension. The CGT rate I will pay on the gain is 20% and not 24% -
What is the CGT Rate to use on a sales of Garage located elsewhere and may not be in an appropriate location for use with the flat or house? -
RE: P11D Reporting - Private Health Insurance
If an employee medical insurance policy starts from 1st April 2024, but payment to insurance was on 8th April 2024, Can you confirm which tax year, I need to declare the P11d information to HMRC -
RE: P11D Reporting
So if the insurance starts on 1st April 2023 and the payment was on 8th April 2023, which tax year should the benefit in kind reported to HMRC? 2022/23 or 2023/24 -
P11D Reporting - Private Health Insurance
If an employee medical insurance policy starts from 1st April 2024, but payment to insurance was on 8th April 2024, Can you confirm which tax year, I need to declare the P11d information to HMRC -
P11D Reporting - Medical Insurance
If employee BUPA policy starts from 1st April 2024, but payment to Bupa was on 8th April 2024, Can you confirm which tax year I need to declare the P11d information to HMRC