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  • RE: Payments for Voluntary Contributions for missing NI years.

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  • Payments for Voluntary Contributions for missing NI years.

    Can someone please advise me where I need to contact (address, email, telephone number) regarding a problem I have regarding the first payment of missing years NI contributions. I live in The Netherlands and I made my first payment, by Bank Transfer on Friday 20 December. This successful went through, however, I OMITTED one important thing, my Reference which should have been my NI number followed by my Surname followed by my initial. This means that my payment has gone through without this important information. How can I provide this information, where must I contact, I have the confirmation information that my payment successfully went through, together with the Transaction reference number and Faster Payment ID. It is important that this payment is credited BEFORE the FINAL TIME LIMIT of 05 April 2025. I have since made a second successful payment, this time INCLUDING my important reference number. I would greatly appreciate assistance, I have no post contact address, email and no idea what I must do.