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  • Foreign Dividend Taxation

    Hello, I am going to be receiving dividends from a Wyoming based LLC in the USA. My usual income is usually up to the lower rate limit of £50,270 (salary/UK dividend mix). What will my dividends from the US based company be taxed at here in the UK? Thank you
  • Does the £60k pension annual allowance apply for employer contributions to a director SIPP?

    Hello, I own a limited company. I wish to make a SIPP contribution to my pension for this year above £60k. I see from this link: "Company contributions Pension contributions made directly from your limited company are not restricted to the salary threshold and annual pension allowance limit. Consequently, you can pay more than £60,000 per year into your director pension pot, as long as the total amount does not exceed your company’s annual profits." Does this mean I can go above the £60k threshold, as long as I have company profits to finance this? And any amount above the £60k still gets personal tax relief? Thanks
  • Contributing to my SIPP pension as a director of a limited company

    Hello, I am a director and owner of my own limited company, and I'd like to make a large contribution to my SIPP. I read the MoneyHelper guidance on this ( and it says: "If the money is to be paid into your pension as a company contribution, then any amount can be paid into the pension, without you needing to have corresponding earnings for Income Tax purposes as long as the contributions meet the ‘wholly and exclusively’ test." Also, if my salary is £9,100, and my dividends are £30k, can my company pay more than my salary amount (£9100) into my pension, as I know you can only pay in 100% of your earnings (dividends don't count) into your pension, before you are taxed for going above this limit. There is a lot of conflicting guidance online about this. It appears from the quote above from MoneyHelper that I can. Thank you