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  • RE: Ineligible for Class 2 because of raising a young child before leaving the UK ?

    I completely symapthise with this post. I had just finished a degree before I left the UK (I was actually recovering from a PhD and a car crash where I broke my back). Thus, I was not working 'immediately' before I left. HMRC are telling me I cannot get Class 2. How is this fair? I don't understand the 'loigc' Respectfully, telling someone to fill out form CF83 is circular 'logic'. That form will already have been filled out to find out what Class they are being offered. How else would the person know what Class they were allocated?
  • Class 3 Pension Payments

    Hi - I need to understand the logic behind what I have been informed about my pension. I was ordinarily resident in the UK since birth, I moved to South Africa in 2003 and am now trying to make up my pensions shortfall. I need to make up 6 years and have been told that I do not qualify for Class 2, and I must pay Class 3. The reason being is that I was not 'working' or drawing 'unemployment benefit' 'immediately' before I left for South Africa. The reason I was not doing so was becasue I had was spending some time recovering from completing my PhD and a broken back from a car accident. I don't understand how not working 'immediately' (there is no definintion of what 'immediately' means in this context) or drawing benefits is now something that I am to be penalised for. It's bizarre, we are talking about thousands of pounds in difference between Class 2 and Class 3 voluntary payments, all because I did what I thought was the ethical thing, and not get benefits. Please will soemone explain the logic here - not the rule. I need to know WHY this rule exists? Also, can I appeal the decision? Thanks - 

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