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  • RE: Time to Pay Arrangement problem

    Hi Agnieszka - no I haven't heard anything further and the response from Adminabove isn't too helpful, because the point is that (i) HMRC have an IT issue that nobody seems able or willing to fix, and (ii) people don't want to call a helpline and answer questions about personal finances when they should be able to manage this online.
  • Time to Pay Arrangement problem

    I'm eligible to set up a time to pay arrangement online for my SA tax bill, however when I try to do this I get the message "you already have a Payment Plan with HMRC". I had one last year but this closed off some time ago with all payments made on time. I have called the general helpdesk number, the number for setting up payment arrangements, and the technical helpdesk number but nobody knows how to resolve this. I set up my payment plan last year before it became due so I don't think I'm too early, either. Any help much appreciated!