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  • Bringing savings and assets from aborad

    Hi, I have recently started working under "skilled worker" is a in UK and I am a Indian National. I have a few questions regarding bringing money from India to get a new home in Belfast (Northern Ireland). 1) I have my past 10 years of salary savings in India (Including 3 years savings from UK when I worked as part of ICT Tier 2) which would be more than £30,000 by less than £50,000, what would be the tax implications for bringing these savings to UK (These have been taxed in India and for the amount I earned in UK had been taxed in UK during that 3 year period). The saving would vary in nature like provident fund, pension investment and Fixed deposits. 2) Also, I have a few assets in my parents name which they are selling and would like to give me a portion of the amount they get from the sale. (The residence home that is being planned for a sale in India in my Main residence in India and my parents would be paying Capital tax gain for the sale as well). Is there a limit to the amount my parents can gift me and what are the tax implications for the same as well? 3) The Gift mentioned in the second point should it be only a transfer or can I get cash as well. Please let me know if additional details are required to respond to this thread.