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  • CGT joint ownership with spouse

    If I owe a second home with my spouse 50/50 and I die full ownership is then transferred to my spouse on my death she keeps the property for 2 years then sells it what would CGT be calculated on the original purchase price when joint owned or 50% on original purchase price my wife's cgt liability then 100% of any gain on the value after the 100% transfer to my wife on my death ie does my 50% cgt liability on the original purchase price become zero on my death
  • Value of property for CGT on death when left to spouse

    If I have a rental property owned in my sole name, on death I leave this property to my wife in my will she then decides to sell or gift the property is the value of the property for CGT purposes the value when I purchased it or the value of the property when it was transfer on my wife on my death