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  • RE: State Pension and how to record on self assessment tax form

    I turned 66 on 29 Oct 23 I received notification from DWP that I would be paid £743.46 (for 3 Wks & 4 Days) on 22 Nov, and thereafter £843.88 every 4 weeks, which means by the last payment date in the 23/24 tax year ( 13th May) I would have received £4128.98 A couple of days ago I received a coding notice from HMRC which used a State Pension amount of £4641 It would appear that this amount has been calculated by multiplying the number of whole weeks pension that I have received, but this means that I would have earned 4 days pension in the first payment period on which I won't be liable for tax. It also means that I could be liable for this tax year on 3 weeks payments that I will not receive until the next tax year. Can anybody tell me if this figure has to be adjusted in any way when submitting my Self-Assessment Return? The reason for asking and needing to know in advance is so that I only draw down enough from my other pensions to meet my £12570 Personal Allowance