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  • RE: Clarification on Disposal Threshold and Currency Conversion

    Hello Thanks for the answer. Am I understanding corretly that in this case we also don't count fx conversion in a sum of disposable volume? In the above scenario, if I sell stocks for £30,000 (converted from USD) and later convert these USD to GBP for £30,000 I DO NOT need to report CGT provided that gain from stock sell is within alowance? Thank you
  • Clarification on Disposal Threshold and Currency Conversion

    Dear Sir/Madam I would appreciate your guidance on the following scenario related to Capital Gains Tax (CGT): 1) I receive RSUs (stocks) from my employer, which are granted and sold in USD. 2) I sell the stocks on the same day I receive them, with no meaningful capital gains. 3) Following the sale, I hold the proceeds in USD, which I transfer to my UK brokerage account and subsequently convert to GBP. Key details: - The sum of the disposed stocks in Step 2 is below the £50,000 threshold for reporting disposals. - I effectively undertake two transactions: a. Selling the stocks (USD proceeds). b. Converting USD to GBP in my brokerage account. Question: Does the conversion of USD to GBP (Step 3) count as a separate disposal for the purposes of the £50,000 annual disposal threshold? For example: If I sell stocks for £30,000 (converted from USD) and later convert these USD proceeds to GBP for £30,000, does my total disposal volume count as £30,000 or £60,000 for the purposes of determining whether I need to report? Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your clarification.