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  • IR35, Self Assessment and Sole Trader status

    Hello. I complete occasional consultancy work for a small business for which I'm paid hourly/daily. I do not produce anything but share knowledge and advice. Work can be at their office or from my home. I am registered for SA and have earned around £4000. I understand there will be no tax or NI due, however do I need to register as a Sole Trader while completing this work? I am not working with any other companies and do not have any other work. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you.
  • Pension Lump Sum, self assessment and Student loan repayments

    Hello, I'll try to be as concise and accurate as possible but I'm looking for some clarity regarding my SA for 23/24. I completed a small amount of consultancy work for tax year 2034/4 for which I'll complete SA for shortly. I am a recent graduate as a mature student and have a student loan. The consultancy work generated income in the very low thousands so no where near the income threshold for repayment of my student loan. I have no other income other than some savings interest. I am approaching 55 and am eligible to take a tax free lump sum of up to 25% of my pension pot. I understand this can be taken tax-free. This amount will exceed the earnings threshold for which a student loan will be repayable if I take the whole 25%. My question (s) is/are- Is the tax free lump sum taken into account if it exceeds the earnings threshold for the purposes of paying back part of my student loan? I am seeing mixed opinions online with some saying it is and others saying it doesn't have to even be declared on SA. Or is the whole amount considered 'unearned income' and is therefore not included . It seems this isn't an issue if I were PAYE and its the fact of completing SA thats throws up the questions. I am looking forward to some thoughts. Many thanks.