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  • RE: Property income PAYE

    Thank you for that reply. It's somewhat annoying that I did "contact your Income tax team to have this removed" in early March and nothing has happened - hence this question.
  • Property income PAYE

    My Personal tax account shows a property income based on last years figures - so my PAYE tax code has been altered to reflect this. I believe this means that the tax on property is collected before it is due I complete a self-assessment now, and would like to only pay the tax when it falls due. Is it possible to simply reduce the "other income" /profit figure in my Personal Tax account to zero, or do I need to contact HMRC to get this altered? I am worried that just altering it would lead to a claim of misrepresentation. I did contact HMRC via web chat in early March and requested that the tax were not collected through PAYE - but has not been actioned. Thank you.