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  • RE: Trading allowance and VAT

    Thanks - I am cash basis. Can I choose to exclude VAT from income and deductions even if they would 'typically' be included and then claim the trading allowance instead of declaring VAT as an expense?
  • Tax return account not updated

    I filed my self assessment on 17 Dec 2023 and there is tax to be repaid to me per "View your calculation". My tax year overview still shows 0. 0 tax owed / 0 tax paid etc. Any idea how long it should take to flow through to the account and I can claim back the money owed?
  • Trading allowance and VAT

    I am a sole trader registered for VAT (flat rate cash basis). I am completing self assessment and have entered the full invoiced amount including VAT as my turnover and put the VAT paid to HMRC in Other Business Expenses. The online self assessment tool tells me I now cannot claim the £1,000 Trading Allowance as I am also claiming the VAT costs. Is this the case or can I enter the net amount (turnover - VAT paid) as my turnover and then claim the £1,000 Trading Allowance (I have no other costs apart from VAT)