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  • RE: Self-employed Bartender

    Hi, The payment is £286 via bank transfer showing reference as 'invoice'. Should I need pay national insurance (over £242 a week) for this one-off income source? I have registered a personal tax account. Should I 'Add a missing employer', or 'Add missing income from another source' and select 'Part Time Earnings'? Thank you.
  • Self-employed Bartender

    My neighbour asked me to help as bartender in his family-run restaurant over the weekend. After the work, he asked me to fill out my invoice issued to the restaurant in order to get me paid £200. This job is one off basis. Can it count towards £1000 trading allowance, or should I need to register for self-employed and pay VAT? Thank you.
  • RE: SA102 - foreign income from a job

    For foreign employment income to be put on SA102, is it as follows? - box 1 put the amount - box 4 leave it empty - box 5 put foreign employer name If no need to claim foreign tax credit relief, then is it no need to fill SA106? Thank you.
  • RE: SA102 - foreign income from a job

    My foreign income from a job is taxable in the UK coz I'm a UK resident. Should I put it in SA102 or SA106? Which box in the form to put the amount before tax? Thank you.
  • SA102 - foreign income from a job

    For foreign income from a job, it is stated to fill in SA102 in the link below. Should the before-tax amount be put in box 1? Where in SA102 can I indicate it is foreign income as there is not country code box?