Colin Macqueen
CF83 submission - delayed response
After speaking to the Future Pension Centre, I've recently submitted a CF83 as instructed to assess the impact of working abroad. I now see that I should not expect a reply to my CF83 until January, which is getting uncomfortably close to the April deadline. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to plan ahead or accelerate the process? Can I make 'down payments' on the missing years that I need to buy? -
25% Tax Free in US IRA pension withdrawal?
I worked in the US for 25 years, I returned to the UK permanently in 2018 and I'm now planning retirement. My pension savings accrued while I was there are now in an IRA, still in the US. When I make withdrawals from that, will I be able to take 25% tax-free as I could with a UK pension? If the answer is yes, will the IRS respect that policy, or will they expect me to pay tax over there as it was not taxed in the UK? Thanks, Colin