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  • RE: Capital gains tax on Indian Mutual Fund

    Further to HMRC Admin 32's response, can you please advise where in the SA106 self assessment section I should enter the FTCR related to gains on disposal of non-reporting funds. As far as I can tell, there is no box on that "Other overseas income and gains" page.
  • RE: Profit from Indian Mutual funds

    Hi. Further to #diwtad query, gains on disposals of non reporting funds are treated as 'offshore income gains' and are subject to Income Tax. I understand that I would need to enter the gross gain in the "Other overseas income and gains" box/page within the the SA106 self assmt form. Can you please advise where in the SA106 self assmt section I can enter the FTCR related to such gains. As far as I can tell, there is no box on that "Other overseas income and gains" page. Or should I enter the gain net of the FTCR and provide details in the "Any other information (Page 2 of 2)" page?