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  • Employee wishing to be known by a different name

    I'm looking for clarity on requirements for recording an employee's name on their payroll record and submitting it via RTI. We record an employee's name per their Passport or Birth Certificate and provide an option for them to record a 'known as' name - the New Starter Declaration form also requests an employee's Family Name and their given names, however doesn't specify whether this is the name they're known as on their official documentation or if this is what they'd prefer to be known as. From an HMRC perspective, is there a specific requirement for us to record an employee's name per their official documentation, or can we record their 'known as' name in place of the name on their documentation? I'm not clear on how much validation there is between the information we hold as the employer and HMRC's records - names are reported on our Full Payment Submission each month, however I can't seem to find a definitive answer on how that interacts with HMRC's systems and whether us reporting what an employee would prefer to be known as would cause any issues. Many thanks.