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  • RE: income from investment funds domiciled in Ireland

    Thank you, The trust is not a non resident trust., the trustees are UK residents. My query relates to INVESTMENTS in a FUND which is DOMICILED. IN IRELAND, What are the income and CGT implications of investing in a fund domiciled in Ireland Thank you
  • RE: income from investment funds domiciled in Ireland

    Thank you for looking at my query. I am aware of tax the trust has to pay for UK based investments. My question was regarding tax on funds DOMICILED IN IRELAND which I understand are considered to be overseas investments for tax purposes. Does the trust treat investments in funds domiciled Ireland exactly the same as UK investments for tax purposes or are they considered different by HMRC? Many thanks S Finch
  • income from investment funds domiciled in Ireland

    I am a trustee of a discretionary trust. Many of the funds which the trust fund wishes to purchase are 'domiciled in Ireland'. What are the tax implications for income tax and CGT payable by the trust fund?
  • RE: Capital Gains Tax and trusts

    Thank you HMRC admin. Does this mean that a trust is counted if it was open for only part of the financial year ie closed at the end of the tax year? Thank you
  • Capital Gains Tax and trusts

    My question relates to splitting the CGT allowance between how ever many trusts the settlor has. I set up a discretionary trust 9 years ago. I last put in funds 8 years ago and all funds have been distributed to the benficiaries 3 years ago. 1 year ago I set up a second discretionary trust. I plan to close the first trust in Nov 23 and therefore at the end of this financial year I will only have 1 trust. Can anyone advise me as to whether the requirement to split the CGT allowance between the settlors trusts relates to the number of trust held at ANY time in the financial year or at the END of the year when the CGT submission will b e made? Thank you