Capital Gains on the Sale of a Property
I've had a letter stating that I may need to pay capital gains tax on the sale of a property. I sold my previous house in August 2022 and I made a gain on the sale. I owned the property for 5 years and it was my main home/sole residence for the entirety of my ownership. I did begin the rental of a flat before the completion of the sale, but continued to live at the property I sold until the completion date. The garden and grounds of the property were well under 0.5 hectares, and I do not meet any of the other criteria listed on the helpsheet that would mean I owe CGT. As I understand it, this means I qualify for the Private Residence Relief. Whart concerns me is that is also states on the letter that HMRC have no record that I lived at the property (despite working and living there and paying council tax the entire time). Do I need to do anything in response to this letter?