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  • Second home Council Tax

    In 2020 I took a full time job in Pembrokeshire, I have to attend my place of work 40hrs per week. My wife and I own our house in Gloucester and my wife could not leave due to family and work commitments, so we decided to by a small house near my job. Initially I paid an additional 50% council tax premium for my “second home” which was not really a problem, it then rose to 100% extra, I appealed and lost, the “second home” council tax premium is now 200% which means I pay an additional £3200 per year in council tax one a two bed semi. I work here and I need accommodation, it is a necessity. The council tax premium would still apply if I rented a property. I am five years away from retirement and this money should be going into my pension. I paid additional purchase/stamp duty to buy this house because it’s a second home, I will pay capital gains when I sell it. As an employee is there any way I can claim my additional second home premium as an expense.