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  • Scotland - Tax code

    Hi. In COVID era I applied for a relief. My tax code now is S1257L. Can you tell from that if I am still getting that relief? How else would I know?
  • Scotland - applying against penalty

    Hi. I applied against late submission penalty and it was agreed in my favour. The penalty had been cancelled but interest on the late payment I already made, have not been cancelled or refunded. How do I claim that back, please?
  • RE: Scotland - paying into workplace pension

    If I pay into my wife's work pension, will I be able to claim it on my return?
  • RE: Scotland - paying into workplace pension

    So how do I make the calculations to figure out how much tax there will be to pay? Eg. 42k forem PAYE 12k from property -9.5k after expenses 6k tax payed via PAYE Remaining tax to pay? And if I pay 10k into the work pension . Will that remaining tax to pay reduce?
  • Scotland - paying into workplace pension

    Hi, I have a work pension where I pay contributions before tax is deducted (i.e. from payslip). I would also like to pay additional amount i.e £10,000 which is saved pay after tax paid. I also have Income from property on top of my PAYE. When filing SA, where do I show the £10,000 paid to my workplace pension?
  • Scotland - Transfer Property Income to Wife

    I am employed (PAYE) Scottish tax payer with income ca. £40,000. In addition I have two rental properties in sole name with mortgage on both in my sole name. The income from both is ca £10,000. I am married and my wife is also employed (PAYE) with income ca.£30,000. I would like to transfer income from rental to my wife so she can put this in her Self Assessment as her income and pay tax in lower band (20%) rather me 40%. Please advise step by step process I should follow as I have found contradicting information on this forum. When I phoned, I was referred to speak to solicitor instead. I would like to transfer profit from the whole tax year 2023-2024.