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  • RE: Incorrect PAYE charge

    Thank you for your answer, but I don't understand the answer. I don't know what a "mapping" issue is, but I am at least able to tell you that it is a disputed charge. It is a charge and I have disputed it. It concerns me that you have read my query and not deduced that I am disputing the charge. I sense that you were using jargon, but I cannot be sure. Secondly, I did get through to the Employer line eventually and they advised me to resubmit the RTI for the month in question. I have done that and it is no different. Please tell me what I need to do to get someone at HMRC to fix this obvious error. Now that I have written, telephoned at least 4 times successfully and about a dozen unsuccessfully and used the community forum. Please tell me how I can speak to someone who is able to fix this.
  • Incorrect PAYE charge

    Hello, Back in January 2023 we employed one employee with a gross salary of £2750. Our software calculated a HMRC bill of £750 and that was paid at the time. Our sole employee was on a fixed monthly rate of £2750, so nothing unusual happened. In May 2023 HMRC started chasing us for £7800 for PAYE charges for January 2023. HMRC's numbers are clearly wrong. I contacted HMRC at the time (around March 2023, I think) and the case was passed to the "Technical Team" with all information that the HMRC operator requested. I have just been notified that the Technical Team have now closed the case stating that I have not supplied any information to them! I supplied all information that was requested at the outset. They are now chasing for the £7800 (+interest) and I cannot get through any of the helplines. Please help. What should I do to get this error in the system corrected when I cannot contact HMRC? Andrew