How to calculate and carry forward CGT Loss
Hi, I am new to Self Assessment and have a question regarding how to carry forward the in year CGT loss to future years. For example, I record a CGT disposal gain of 7000 and another CGT disposal loss of 10000, could you please advise : 1. As I have a net loss of 3000, is it right that I am not eligible for CGT tax ? Or the gain and loss should be treated separately, and as the gain part is over the annual exemption amount of 6000 (for 2023/24), so there is 1000 (7000 - 6000) taxable which is however offset by the loss part ? I am not sure about the sequence of applying annual exemption and CGT disposal losses to the CGT disposal gains part. 2. Based on answer for point 1 above, if I want to carry forward the in year loss to future years, what is the amount i can carry forward ? a) the full loss of 10000 or b) the net loss 3000 or c) the loss after deducting the annual exemption from the gain i.e. 10000 - (7000 - 6000) = 9000 3. To carry forward the CGT loss, do I need to explicitly enter the amount in the 'Losses available to be carried forward' under the Losses and Adjustments section ? OR the Self Assessment system will automatically calculate it ? Thanks for your advise