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  • Own UK Property refurbishment (personal use) from EU materials

    To whom it may concern, I purchased a run down probate property in the UK as a first time buyer (empty for over 2 years) and my goal is to make it my dream home. After careful selection, I assembled a list of basic but tailored renovation items (ie fitted furniture, kitchen, flooring) that I can hardly find/replicate in the UK. My goal would be to source these items in the EU (Italy), load my truck and drive back home to the UK where I can build them on my own. I have read several forums about likely duty and tax exemptions on imported house refurbishment materials (for personal use) but I wanted to ask for an expert opinion before proceeding to ensure I am doing everything right. Could you please advise on my simple but rather ambitious case: Do I have any kind of VAT or duty exemptions? If so, what are the steps needs to be taken in advance? Thank you for your time and help.