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  • RE: Registration HMRC

    I incorporated my Company 1 month ago it's still dormant I mean I didn't use I don't Know when I will start making trading and profit must I communicate something to HMRC? Must I register for corporation TAX now o when I will start make trading It's a production and distribution motion picture company
  • Communicate with HMRC

    Good evening to everybody !I have some questions for you I'd like to Know if Is possible comunicate with HMRC through email and make sure that they send me communications through email not only in my office address. What the a mail address of HMRC? On website there Is not I cannot find.
  • RE: Registration HMRC

    Thank you for your answer! I am Italian and I'd like incorporate a company the next weeks for this I asked informations. My company will be incorporate but It will not make business It's Will be dormant for First mounths, I also to think to move to England. For me it's importante to Know if I must pay Tax, and make tax declaration, keep account.
  • RE: Registration HMRC

    Thank you for your answer! I am Italian and I'd like incorporate a company the next weeks for this I asked informations. My company will be incorporate but It will not make business It's Will be dormant for First mounths, I also to think to move to England. For me it's importante to Know if I must pay Tax, and make tax declaration, keep account.
  • Registration HMRC

    Hello to everyone! I have got some questions about the registration on HMRC fir not Resident Who have got a company o to want incorporate one; 1 Can I use the identity card of my nation, Italy I have not a passport and a driving licenze in this moment 2 Which the right Moment for register my Company on HMRC? If my company not sells and buys but advertises itself must I register, if it' s a motion picture production and distribution company, it can take years before you cash in.