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  • RE: Non resident untaxed UK interest income

    Im really sorry but this is conflicting to what i was told on the phone and i have already sent my paper return. Can you double check this advise? And if i have to make changes, how should I? And how do i receive tax credit for the interest paid on the UK interest income that has already been taxed in France (there is full credit for interest income between UK and France)
  • RE: Non resident untaxed UK interest income

    I am not sure why there is conflicting advise. I have already sent my return based on the phone discussion and mentioned everything in the other details My total UK untaxed interest for the whole tax year is around 3,000 (it wasnt taxed at source), and the UK interest that is not declared/ taxed in France (which in my case would be the interest from Jan-Apr 5 2024 is less than 1,000)
  • RE: Non resident untaxed UK interest income

    Spoke to HMRC self assessment technical team, and I was advised to put only the amount of UK interest that is not declared/ taxed in France (which in my case would be the interest from Jan-Apr 5 2024) I was not advised to fill the amount of UK interest that is declared/ taxed in France (which in my case would be the interest from Apr 6-Dec 31 2023) on HS109 or HS304
  • RE: Non resident untaxed UK interest income

    Im sorry but both these are not right. i'm a uk tax non resident
  • Non resident untaxed UK interest income

    Hi - I am filling my 2023-24 return as a non resident and I am a bit confused about the boxes/ forms/ amounts to fill regarding UK interest that hasn't been taxed at source. I also have property rental income and that part if clear. For context, I worked and lived in France for most of the tax year before returning for the last month of the tax year to the UK. As per French tax rules I am a resident of France for 2023 (their tax year is per calendar year) and I need to declare/ will be taxed on my worldwide income including UK interest income. For 2024, i wont be a resident of France. Q1. For SA100 Untaxed UK interest income - should i write the amount of untaxed UK interest for the whole tax year? Or only write the amount of UK interest that is not declared/ taxed in France (which in my case would be the interest from Jan-Apr 5 2024) Q2. Do I need to fill the amount of UK interest that is declared/ taxed in France (which in my case would be the interest from Apr 6-Dec 31 2023) on HS109 or HS304?