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  • Alphabet Shares

    2 Company Directors of Trading company + these 2 directors are also directors of an Associate Family Investment Company. Alphabet ShareStructure in Trading Company One Director has 50 A Shares in Trading Company One Director has 50 B Shares in Trading Company The Family Investment Company has one C share in Trading Company The two directors decide dividend distribution from available profits based on above share structure. Question - The Family investment company receives the majority of dividend distribution as declared by the two directors of the trading company. Are there any rules or guidelines to determine what this dividend distribution amount should be?
  • Family Investment Companies

    When setting up a Family Investment Company, can: A. Are the Family Investment Company set up costs an allowable expense in the trading company that is linked to the Family Investment Company? ie the set up costs can maybe be classified as Professional fees? B. Are the ongoing maintenance costs of the Family Investment Company also an allowable expense in the trading company?
  • Rebuild of Cricket Pavilion - VAT considerations

    A local village cricket club pavilion was severely flood damaged in January 2023. The cricket club is a not for profit organisation and is not VAT registered as Income is below the VAT threshold. The pavilion will require to be demolished and a new pavilion built in it's place. This will be funded partially by insurance proceeds, with the rest of the funding procured through applying for grants and other fund raising activities. The potential imposition of significant Input VAT costs will mean fund raising will have to be increased to cover the cost of Vatable building and other supplies as there is no route to reclaim as not VAT registered. The question is what VAT advice / dispensations are available to this cricket club to negate this VAT Liability. There must be a precedence for not for profit and non VAT registered organisations in this situation. Any thoughts please?