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  • Holiday Pay.

    The new holiday pay rules apply to us from April 2025. Some of our staff have additional pay, so the will be entitled to: - 4 weeks @ 'Normal pay' rate 1.6 weeks @ "Basic pay" rate Do you know whether we can keep the rates the same through out the year and then include a lump sum payment at the year end to cover the difference between basic rate & normal rate.. (ultimately, can we keep their annual pay consistent until the end of the year and pay a lump sum at the end) Any input will be appreciated.
  • Foreign national who is working in the UK for a foreign employer

    Can you advice on what type of PAYE scheme we need to set up for an individual who is a Producer. Full details of this case are: - She is an Australian nation, working for a US production company in the UK (as the filming will be done her for about 6 months)... So in Summary, it's an Australian national citizen, working for a US employer in the UK. do we need a PAYE scheme to account for the tax charges. National insurance will not be relevant as this will be dealt with in Australia.